Free as in free or free as in freedom?

We’ve all used free tech services – web-based email, social media, news outlets, shopping, among others. As consumers, we typically give as little information to these companies as we can get away with to get the most out of the company’s service. Did you ever stop to think though how a company stays in business when it’s providing mostly free services to consumers?

“If you’re not paying, you are the product” or, put another way, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.”

Most of these companies should be more accurately classified as tech-based advertising services. Why? They’re able to provide you a “free” lunch by putting your eyes in front of advertisers or scanning your emails/posts/comments for data. In turn, advertisers use this to target you, sometimes later, sometimes in real-time.

You are constantly bombarded with advertising, both online and in the real world, that is customized and pinpointed to exactly one person: you. Some would argue that’s not a bad thing. We would argue that consumers as individuals, not advertisers, should make that call and have to opt-in when wanted rather than go through the pain of opting out. Further, the default process should be affordable, secure and easy to use.

You, as a Silverfox user, have the freedom to opt-in. And – in today’s world where all manner of data about you is being lost, sold, traded, or stolen – having the freedom to opt-in rather than dealing with the pain of opting out is priceless.

Why Silverfox?

We designed an easy-to-use, secure and modern interface with people close to our hearts in mind. Similar services elsewhere are not updated often and they use clunky interfaces that don’t work well on tablets or smartphones.

Less junk mail.

Less viruses and malware.

Live support options.

We don’t scan emails for advertising data.

Easy and affordable payment options (monthly and annually) with Plus or Elite service tiers depending upon your need.

Best of all? A no-commitment free account for those who want to get started.

Click here to sign up!